Tahlia Ferguson


Tahlia began working as a legal assistant in the field of family law in 2021.

She joined Pemberton Robertson family lawyers in 2023 with not only her prior experience as a legal assistant, but also over 10 years of customer service experience.

Tahlia enjoys being challenged in her role and furthering her knowledge of family law. Tahlia enjoys interacting with people and empathises with individual circumstances. She believes her role is vital in ensuring clients have a positive experience.

Outside of work Tahlia enjoys travelling and the beach.

Meet the rest of the team

We are truly focussed on what matters to you. Let us work together to rediscover the light at the end of the tunnel.

Pemberton Robertson Family Lawyers
Level 4, Irwin Chambers, 16 Irwin St, Perth WA 6000
PO Box 6247, East Perth WA 6892

T 08 9221 5502
E admin@prfamilylawyers.com.au

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation